18 05, 2018

The Ultimate Moving Checklist

2018-05-18T02:44:46+00:00May 18th, 2018||

With all the excitement you have had with purchasing a new home, it's easy to forget some important tasks. Plus, certain things are best done while the house is still vacant, long before your boxes and furniture are parked in the place. Put these things off, and it becomes all the harder to tackle them later. Here is a helpful list of all the things to do before moving into your new home.

18 05, 2018

What is an Appraisal?

2018-05-18T02:44:36+00:00May 18th, 2018||

An appraisal provides valuable information for the buyer and the seller, but the appraiser's primary mission is to protect the lender. Lenders don't want to own overpriced property and that's why the appraisal takes place before the lender grants [...]